Dietzilla Housecleaning

Thanks to all of our users for blogging with us and participating in making Dietzilla one of the web's premier weight loss discussion sites. We believe that a very important part of keeping our community a bustling center of information-sharing and connections between people is by making sure that the community is safe from spammers and guileless marketers.

67/365  cinderellaWhen the site was smaller there was little need to regulate the content posted here, because it was all basically posted by our friends about topics we were interested in. The sad truth is that after a little while, the spammers always seem to move in, and our little community was no exception. However, all this has come to an end; we have now dedicated the necessary resources to be sure that Dietzilla is safe from spam.

How have we done this? By making some very tough decisions:

  • We have disabled and/or deleted all blogs suspected of being part of link networks
  • We have closed registration to Dietzilla. You can still get a free health-related blog here, but to do so you have to e-mail to with your name, desired username, and what you plan to blog about.
  • We have dedicated manpower to fully monitoring all new posts here to make sure that all the content on Dietzilla is primarily motivated by a drive to engage the community, and not merely to market products, services, or websites. Any blogs that are overly promotional will be disabled until they are corrected.

Thanks again for participating in the Dietzilla Health & Weight Loss blog community. We hope these changes will make your experience here better than ever. We want to emphasize that you are still entitled to make money off of your content, as long as you are providing a valuable service to your audience. But we are prepared to make sure that our site's visitors are benefitting from their visit, so no sites solely dedicated to selling products or advertisements will be permitted here. As always, your feedback is welcome!

Finally, keep your eye here on the front page of Dietzilla for more great diets for quick weight loss. We will soon be posting articles and features where we will profile your best blogs and posts! This will result in increased traffic for you, so be sure to post your best content and keep in touch with your fellow bloggers over the coming months!