Medical Causes of Weight Gain

Many people mistakenly believe that everyone who is overweight or gaining weight is living an unhealthy lifestyle. There are also a variety of medical causes of weight gain, in addition to some less-than-obvious lifestyle factors that may affect your weight gain or weight loss. There are diseases that cause weight gain, severe constipation causes weight gain, menopause causes weight gain. And if you're wondering does exercise cause weight gain, in many cases the answer is yes.

So while many people believe that there is a simple formula to weight gain, the truth is that there can be many different reasons that can cause weight gain. It is reasonable to expect that if a person consumes more calories than he or she is able to expend, then it will result in excess pounds. However, this is not the only way that extra pounds can be accumulated.

Part of the Life Cycle

There are some things that cause weight gain that are quite normal and happen to occur on a regular basis, especially for women. When women become pregnant, there is usually a weight gain at some time during the pregnancy. In addition, many women experience a water weight gain during their menstruation cycle each month. Either of these issues is expected to cause weight gain. However, if rapid weight gain is not an effect of either of the above causes, then it is imperative to see a doctor. This type of rapid weight gain could indicate that something is wrong. Just the same as rapid weight loss would be a cause for concern.

As people age, many things happen including the slowing of one's metabolism. Metabolism is what helps us regulate our weight. As it slows, it will become necessary to make adjustments to our diets and ensure that we get enough physical activity. Otherwise, we will likely see an increase in our overall weight.

Other Causes for Weight Gain

There are other reasons that people gain weight that may result from choices that they make or medications that they must take. The following are examples.

  • Significant consumption of alcohol
  • Quitting smoking
  • Taking drugs such as corticosteroids, cyproheptadine, lithium, tranquilizers, phenothiazines,