Treadmills are machines primarily used for cardiovascular exercises. These exercises include running, walking and jogging motions. The idea behind a treadmill is that these exercises are performed on place, without the user having to move around. This is in contrast to doing these exercises the traditional way where the user has to move around often in the road or racing track. The word treadmill was originally conceived as a type of classic mill used in order to mill grains, rice and other food by treading on the steps of a wheel. Before, these treadmills were used by humans and animals alike. Today, it is primarily used by people in their exercises, particularly cardiovascular workouts.
Treadmills have their origins as of 1817. These machines were formerly used in order to reform prisoners as introduced by a certain Sir William Cubitt. Back then, treadmills were also referred to as treadwheels. Now, these treadmills are being widely used in every gym situated in the United States as well as in other parts or the globe as the primary cardio machine. Running exercises, jogging routines and walking sessions are now done using this machine and indoors, breaking the classic ideology of performing these exercises outdoors. This fact allows people who simply do not have the luxury to go outside to perform the exercises right at the comforts of their own homes.
Newly developed treadmills boast of reduced impact. This is due to the world renowned shock absorption feature, a feature that has earned these machines its place in the course of history. Running, walking and jogging exercises performed on flat surfaces like roads, race tracks and other places have high impacts on the knees, joints, ankles and the lower back portion. With the use of treadmills all of these impacts will be absorbed, allowing the user to perform cardiovascular exercises for longer periods of time without feeling fatigued and pained in the process.
If you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness at home,